Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lawrence County Real Estate News You Can Use! | Kentuckiana ...

Lawrence County Real Estate As th? weather starts t? warm, y?u can?t h?lp but stare ?t your backyard pool, anxious t? begin ? n?w season ?f memories w?th friends ?nd family.

N? matter th? season, pool safety should always b? t?p ?f mind wh?r? children ?r? concerned. W?th safety barriers ? ?r layers ?f protection ? ?n place b?tw??n th? home ?nd th? pool, y?u c?n experience th? pleasures ?f backyard swimming pools ?nd f??l confident th?t children, grandchildren ?nd visitors w?ll b? safeguarded fr?m pool accidents.

It?s impossible t? watch your children ?v?ry second ?f ?v?ry d?y. Th?r? ?r? t?m?s wh?n ? parent ?r caregiver ?s distracted by answering th? phone ?r door, household tasks ?r checking email. Unfortunately, accidents tend t? happen v?ry quickly. According t? th? Centers f?r Disease Control ?nd Prevention, drowning ?s th? second leading cause ?f accidental death ?n children ages 1 t? 14. Th? CDC reports th?t ?n m?st cases, th? children involved w?r? ?ut ?f th??r parents? sight f?r less th?n five minutes.

Th? good news: Drowning c?n b? prevented. Barriers h?lp buy th?s? f?w minutes needed t? s?? wh?r? children ?r? ?ft?r you?ve momentarily lost sight ?f th?m.

Numerous studies h?v? shown th?t an isolation fence separating th? home fr?m th? pool c?n prevent 50 t? 90 percent ?f ?ll toddler drownings. Only an isolation fence w?th ? self-closing, self-latching gate ?n proper working order w?ll prevent children fr?m getting into th? water w?th?ut your knowledge.

Liability c?n become an issue ?f ? visitor ?s injured. Homeowners c?n improve th? safety ?nd security ?f th??r pools ?r spas w?th isolation fencing w?th self-closing, self-latching gate hardware by D&D Technologies (

Magnetically triggered latches like D&D?s self-latching MagnaLatch h?v? b??n shown t? offer safe, reliable operation, latching ?v?n wh?n locked ?n th? open position. Pool gates must ?ls? b? self-closing, ?nd D&D?s TruClose hinges feature ? tension adjustable enclosed spring s? gates need n? hazardous external spring.

Rust-free gate hardware by D&D Technologies ?s ?available und?r th? Stanley ?r National Hardware brand thr?ugh select Lowe?s stores ?r online ?t ?nd ?th?r hardware retailers.

If y?u h?v? ? pool, y?u h?v? ? responsibility t? safeguard ?t. Th?r? ?s n? substitute f?r vigilant supervision. But th?r? ?r? additional steps y?u c?n ?nd should t?k? t? k??p everyone safe ? including th?s?.

* Never prop ? gate open f?r convenience ?r during pool parties. It?s simply n?t worth th? risk.

* Always ensure th?t doors fr?m th? home ?r? locked, alarmed, ?r fitted w?th child-safety latching devices.

* Ensure th?t pet doors ?r? secured ?r open into an area th?t ?s isolated fr?m th? pool.

* If th? house forms ?n? side ?f th? barrier, doors leading into th? pool area should b? protected w?th alarms th?t produce ? loud sound wh?n th? door ?s unexpectedly opened.

* Power safety covers th?t meet American Society f?r Testing ?nd Materials (ASTM) standards c?n b? v?ry effective ?f closed whenever th? pool ?s n?t ?n use. ?Manually operated covers tend t? b? left open; closing th?m frequently requires two adults.

* Ensure children ?n th? home learn h?w t? swim, ?nd th?t adults kn?w CPR. CPR c?n m?k? th? difference b?tw??n full recovery ?nd brain damage ?r death. If anyone else w?ll b? supervising kids ?n th? pool, m?k? sure th?y learn ?t, too. Impress upon babysitters th?t th?y must follow your safety rules.

* Wh?n children ?r? ?n th? pool, designate ? ?water watcher? t? maintain uninterrupted supervision ?f children ?n th? pool ?t ?ll t?m?s.

* Wh?n n?t ?n use, k??p toys ?nd ?th?r objects ?ut ?f th? pool area, ?nd don?t use chlorine dispensers th?t look like animals ?r toys th?t w?ll attract children.

W?th layers ?f protection b?tw??n your home ?nd your pool, y?u c?n g?v? your family years ?f safer relaxation ?nd enjoyment, ?nd build s?m? great family memories. F?r drowning prevention tips, visit ?r T?k? th? pledge ?nd tell others ?b?ut th? Simple Steps th?t Save Lives ?t

Lawrence County Real Estate News You Can Use!


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Here are some other real estate related sites that we found for you to browse. Thanks for visiting Kentucky Real Estate News.

2321 Coyle Dr - Yahoo! Real Estate
State of Indiana Industrial and Commercial Sites and Buildings
502 Lancassange Dr Jeffersonville IN 47130 ... - Yahoo! Real Estate
Chesterton Indiana - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


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